Saturday, December 5, 2020



I called a woman someday and when she asked of my location I simply answered "I'm at Enugu State". Then moments later someone else called me and when she asked "where are you?", I answered "I'm at the construction site of the church".

Did I lie? NO!

Was I at different places when each called? No! I was at the same place.

Then why the difference in response?

This is the icing of this article; there are depths of communication built with time and consistency; the depth you are with someone determines the extent of information you get about that person or from that person.

Look at this; I was actually at the construction site of a church at Enugu State. But the first woman could only understand that I'm at Enugu because she didn't even know I when I had gone there talk less of where exactly I would be in Enugu at that time. We had last talked about two months before that call. Do you see?

The second person knew I was at Enugu and even knew my routine because we talked more often.

So when God introduced Himself as "I AM" to Moses, that was a start. With more communication and intimacy/fellowship He got to know God's plans and agenda per time. If God tells you "I AM" and you stop communicating with Him thinking you've got enough; the next time you call, you'll start from "I AM", whereas someone who has diligently pursued Him will be getting information like "I am going to do a new thing in Nigeria on the 12th of December, 2020 at 12am". Such details!

You can only know the mind of God if you spend quality time with Him in the secret place. Those who get detailed and precise Words from God have learnt to sit in His secret place.

What is your depth of communication with God?

When last did you call God?

Are you still hearing "I AM", or have you heard more...

Get intentional about knowing God today and hearing His voice..

God bless you,

Ikpa Onwuka.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Need for Sexual Purity

 Sexual Purity is possible in our generation.

A lot of us have affirmed our commitment to Sexual Purity. What are you waiting for?

I believe in a sexually pure generation,

I believe in Sexual Purity.

Even if you've fallen, you can rise again. Get a grip of your sexuality and stand on your feet.

We can do it💪

Ikpa Onwuka

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


I was hurt badly, and I vowed never to let go, I made up my mind to get my revenge. Why would she hurt me badly like this, after all I had done for her? I had sacrificed my time, money and everything possible, but she paid me back by hurting my feelings.

"The only way I can ever feel happy again is to hurt her back" so I thought, little did I know that I was even hurting myself the more, I tried hard to get my revenge but the more I tried  the more pain I felt within, everywhere seemed dark and lonely, I felt like I was an evil person. Each time I remember that I promised never to forgive her, I felt very guilty, I felt like I was in hell just because I allowed unforgiveness in my heart.

I thought it will make me feel better but No! It stole the better part of me.
Then I met the man of Calvary (Jesus Christ) who told me to forgive and forget and release myself from the prison I had entered into because of Unforgiveness.

I cried bitterly trying to explain what she did to me but No! it was not working, the more I tried to explain the more He told me how much he loved me and forgave my own sins too. Of course He already knew in details what she did to me, so my explanation wasn't necessary.

I tried forgiveness and oh! what joy filled my Soul; I could see myself coming out of a thick darkness.

My chains are broken and I am free at last from this bondage of unforgiveness.

I am Free at last, Praise God!

Who have you locked up in the prison of your heart?
What hurt has been done to you which seems 'impossible' to forgive?
Jesus can give you the grace to forgive today.
Unforgiveness is a prison in which you can be locked up even when you're the one who was hurt. Two wrongs can never make a right.
Forgive today!
Come to Christ and receive that grace.

Miracle Oladoyin

DISCLAIMER: This article is purely a fictional expression of inspiration gotten by the author. It by no means refer to the author or anyone known to her. Any resemblance is only coincidental.

Sunday, November 22, 2020


"For how long will I continue like this?"

I asked myself this question each time I woke up from sleep.

Something seemed to be missing, even though it was very difficult to identify.

I got up every morning, went to work, talked with a few friends and returned home.

Repeating the same routine could be tiring though, but there was nothing I could do than to continue like that and hope to find an answer someday.

In my frustration, I decided to go to church after a long period of absence; I only wanted an answer, I had all the money I ever wanted but something very important was  missing; even with all the money, I had no peace of mind. 

Well, the service was just for me, for a very long time I was lost in thought,

"So there is someone who loved me this much and I had no idea" 

I felt sick in my stomach and my heart beat very fast, "someone loved me this much and even died for me and I had no idea?"

I must give Him a chance, He must be my Lord, my father and my everything. So after all I have done to hurt him he still loved me so much. 

I made the best decision of my life when Jesus came into my life. 

Oh how sweet it is to believe in Jesus!

I went home smiling all through because I had finally gotten an answer, I had found what was missing, I am very happy that I found my PEACE in Jesus.

You don't need to procastinate giving your life to Jesus. You cannot postpone your salvation.

Jesus is the only true source of  PEACE OF MIND, every other will not last.

In a world of turbulence and unrest, Jesus Christ is your source of rest!

Miracle Oladoyin

DISCLAIMER: This article is purely a fictional expression of inspiration gotten by the author. It by no means refer to the author or anyone known to her. Any resemblance is only coincidental.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Have you ever asked “Why did God create me?”
God created us for fellowship and to show forth His glory, He created us for His pleasure. But do you know, the wisest king on earth seemed to miss a very important point related to this? Wow! I hear someone saying “Who are you to say that about the King Solomon?” I’m sorry, but he did miss a point. Let’s look at it together.

2Chronicles 6:2- “But I have built an house of habitation for thee, and a place for thy dwelling forever".

This is where King Solomon missed the point.  Though dwelling in a physical temple wasn’t God’s ultimate plan, God was willing to show forth occasionally in these physical tabernacles; But then Solomon added “forever” in his dedication prayer. This showed that even if he had great wisdom, he was still a man and was limited in knowledge of God’s grand plan.

God’s ultimate plan was to dwell in man, but in 2Chronicles 6:18, King Solomon even doubted this- “but will God in very deed dwell with men on earth?” YES! God not only wanted to dwell with men, but in men, and He has achieved that today. Hallelujah! He dwells in me. “Christ in me, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:21).

Note that in 2Chronicles 7:1. God responded positively to Solomon’s prayer, with fire from heaven and glory filling the house.

God responded despite the fact that He knew He was not going to dwell there “forever” (John 4:21-24).

God did not hush Solomon at that statement, but accepted him and favoured him. That didn’t mean that God would now dwell in a physical temple at Jerusalem built by King Solomon, forever.

Likewise when we see the errors made by some patriarchs, we should not just take them as God’s will because he did not react negatively to them. God has a perfect will and it is stated clearly in scriptures. Study the scriptures, renew your mind and you will know what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).

See God’s response when he talked to Solomon after the prayer in 2Chronicles 7:12- “And the Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard they prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrifice”.

God chose it for a house of sacrifice, not even for dwelling. He chose it anyway, but then “forever” was totally out of it. The place God desires to dwell in forever, is in YOU. Don't close the door of your heart. Let Jesus in.

Ikpa Onwuka.

Friday, June 5, 2020


Many of us have been in situations where we needed to make one decision or the other; decisions capable of changing our lives forever, but we came through, we were able to choose rightly. There is one decision many still need to make, which is a matter of life and death…

Joel 3:12-15 “Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about”.

There is a call to ‘come up’. Come up from where? It definitely will be a lower place, a place of gloom and doom, a place without light. There is also a command to those who are already up to reap from this lower place, and bring as many as possible up out of this lower place. This lower place is full of wickedness, great wickedness. “…Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision”. I call this lower place the “Valley of Decision”.

Inhabitants of this valley are in utter darkness, they have their eyes covered with a veil of darkness (2Cor.4:4). Inhabitants of this valley must make a smart and quick decision to come out because the day of the Lord is near in the Valley of Decision. This is a valley of sin and iniquity; it is a place where immorality and wickedness prevails. Satan reigns there.

Don’t remain there, don’t remain in the Valley of Decision; decide quick and come to Christ today, He shall give you light. God doesn’t want to destroy anyone, He has been and is still waiting for as many as are still in this valley of decision to make up their minds and decide to be on the Lord’s side (2Peter 3:9).

Do you know anyone in the Valley of Decision?  Or are you in the Valley of Decision? Come up unto the Higher Grounds. Come out of Babylon (Isaiah 52:11) and be separate. The Lord still calls us into the Ark of Salvation. Let us respond positively before it’s too late. 

The clock is ticking and we are at the eleventh hour, no, we are at the extra time.

Ikpa Onwuka.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Is it bad to ask God questions when things go wrong? You know some folks have seen it as a sign of ingratitude, they say ‘give God the benefit of doubt’. But the truth is if we don’t know why a thing happened, we are bound to suffer afflictions from that occurrence again and again until we have asked God ‘why’, the right way. Yes, I said, the right way.

When inquiring from God about certain issues or occurrence, we shouldn’t do it complaining, because God does not like that. We should ask to learn, in openness of heart. Just like the disciples asked Jesus why the three could not cast out the devil, they learnt something new that day. I have a feeling there would have been no answer if they came that day complaining, but a rebuke to stop complaining. Imagine if they came to Jesus accusing him of giving them power that failed to work?

This is what most of us do when things go wrong, we either fail to inquire of the Lord as to why it happened, or we go to him complaining and pouring out accusations.

In Joshua 7:7-9 after the people of Ai had smitten about thirty six of the Israelites; Joshua asked God why it happened. In verses 10-13, God answered him. If Joshua did not ask, he would not have known where they went wrong.

Believe me, life will be much more beautiful if we inquire the right way and demand to know why certain things happen. God hears and answers us.
Don’t keep quiet, ask why!

Ikpa Onwuka

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Watch for yourself and be inspired. Please ensure to leave a comment, like and share.
I believe in a Sexually Pure generation.
Ikpa Onwuka.


One evening, I was spinning my keys around my finger. Then suddenly they slipped off, loosed from the key holder and falling off to differen...