Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Is it bad to ask God questions when things go wrong? You know some folks have seen it as a sign of ingratitude, they say ‘give God the benefit of doubt’. But the truth is if we don’t know why a thing happened, we are bound to suffer afflictions from that occurrence again and again until we have asked God ‘why’, the right way. Yes, I said, the right way.

When inquiring from God about certain issues or occurrence, we shouldn’t do it complaining, because God does not like that. We should ask to learn, in openness of heart. Just like the disciples asked Jesus why the three could not cast out the devil, they learnt something new that day. I have a feeling there would have been no answer if they came that day complaining, but a rebuke to stop complaining. Imagine if they came to Jesus accusing him of giving them power that failed to work?

This is what most of us do when things go wrong, we either fail to inquire of the Lord as to why it happened, or we go to him complaining and pouring out accusations.

In Joshua 7:7-9 after the people of Ai had smitten about thirty six of the Israelites; Joshua asked God why it happened. In verses 10-13, God answered him. If Joshua did not ask, he would not have known where they went wrong.

Believe me, life will be much more beautiful if we inquire the right way and demand to know why certain things happen. God hears and answers us.
Don’t keep quiet, ask why!

Ikpa Onwuka

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