Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Have you ever asked “Why did God create me?”
God created us for fellowship and to show forth His glory, He created us for His pleasure. But do you know, the wisest king on earth seemed to miss a very important point related to this? Wow! I hear someone saying “Who are you to say that about the King Solomon?” I’m sorry, but he did miss a point. Let’s look at it together.

2Chronicles 6:2- “But I have built an house of habitation for thee, and a place for thy dwelling forever".

This is where King Solomon missed the point.  Though dwelling in a physical temple wasn’t God’s ultimate plan, God was willing to show forth occasionally in these physical tabernacles; But then Solomon added “forever” in his dedication prayer. This showed that even if he had great wisdom, he was still a man and was limited in knowledge of God’s grand plan.

God’s ultimate plan was to dwell in man, but in 2Chronicles 6:18, King Solomon even doubted this- “but will God in very deed dwell with men on earth?” YES! God not only wanted to dwell with men, but in men, and He has achieved that today. Hallelujah! He dwells in me. “Christ in me, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:21).

Note that in 2Chronicles 7:1. God responded positively to Solomon’s prayer, with fire from heaven and glory filling the house.

God responded despite the fact that He knew He was not going to dwell there “forever” (John 4:21-24).

God did not hush Solomon at that statement, but accepted him and favoured him. That didn’t mean that God would now dwell in a physical temple at Jerusalem built by King Solomon, forever.

Likewise when we see the errors made by some patriarchs, we should not just take them as God’s will because he did not react negatively to them. God has a perfect will and it is stated clearly in scriptures. Study the scriptures, renew your mind and you will know what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).

See God’s response when he talked to Solomon after the prayer in 2Chronicles 7:12- “And the Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard they prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrifice”.

God chose it for a house of sacrifice, not even for dwelling. He chose it anyway, but then “forever” was totally out of it. The place God desires to dwell in forever, is in YOU. Don't close the door of your heart. Let Jesus in.

Ikpa Onwuka.

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