Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Smile is a virtue,
Its a gift you could give to the confused and depressed world.
Its a sign God is working in your life,
Its an answer to the devil's question of whether God is on your side,
Its a big YES!

Smile seasons our expressions even in depression,
No matter how wrinkled your face is,
There is a twinkle sparked on it by a smile.
The earnest prayer of every man even if  only a few know is for God to put a smile on his face.
Many however who smile without stress might not know its value,
Until its stiffened by harmattan.

Smile is a thing of the heart, its a decision taken at heart before it manifests outwardly.
You smile in your heart before you smile on your face.
So learn to be joyous always,
For only then would you have a smile to give.

The joy if the Lord is all we need,
We get this at salvation.

Get saved, get the joy of the Lord, then you'll get a smile!

Have a nice day!

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