Monday, February 9, 2015


When you speak the gospel and the devil asks you: "Have you finished preaching to yourself first?", trying to instill condemnation and guilt into you. Just look boldly as a son of God into his eyes and say: "I have not finished preaching to myself, I preach to myself everyday, I put my flesh under everyday, I die to sin in Christ everyday, I have not finished. But be it known to you that I will not keep quiet while you lord these ones, I will interfere and bring the gospel to them, I will not relent in disrupting your evil agenda against them. Have you gotten it?".
After saying this, just turn about and go your way into the place where you were to preach the gospel. Don't forget also to tell him you're aware the Bible says:"Let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he falls" and that God's grace has been keeping and will continue to keep you from falling.

Preach the gospel without fear!!!

Good morning.

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