Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Revelation vs Physical Experience

The only difference between a real revelation and a physical experience is that a revelation (in this context) happens in the spirit realm while an experience happens in the physical.
Revelations might not have any impact on any part of your physical body except your mind. Your mind is that element that harbors the thoughts of your heart and it is also connected to your brain and also supernaturally linked to your spirit. So your experiences in the spirit are still remembered by your physical mind (I don’t know if you understand). 
So each time you remember a revelation, it’s as if you were there, but you might not have persons to testify about it because it was you alone and the spirit who gave the revelation that were really present there.
I’ve had a lot of revelations just as physical experiences and they have boosted my data base of knowledge and wisdom.
There is a revelation you receive from the Word of God and His Spirit. By this you can explain things perfectly well even if you’ve not ‘experienced’ them physically. It is the Spirit who updates the details of that revelation knowledge to your heart.

By revelation, you can understand how it would be if you’re not loving and caring for your spouse as Jesus demands, even if you're not married.
By revelation, you can understand and even feel how worship would be in heaven, even if you’ve not been there.
By revelation, you can understand the perils of an anointed one who willingly backslides, even if you’re not the one.

By revelation, you know that when a woman/man ‘cast’ their eyes upon you just as Potiphar’s wife did Joseph, the best and only thing to do if you must survive the Christian race is RUN! You shouldn’t even think of learning this one by physical experience, because you might not recover what you would lose.

So, let us not base our knowledge on the accumulation from physical experiences alone, but also from Revelation. It profits a lot!
Apostle Paul prayed thus; “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and the revelation in the knowledge of him” (Eph. 1:17).
Revelation comes from the Holy Spirit and the Word! Are you in the School of the Spirit? If not, enrol today by giving your life to Jesus and maintaining a regular quiet time with him.

If you want to give your life to Jesus, just pray with me:

Lord Jesus! I come to you today and I repent of all my sin. Please come into my life and reign as my Lord and my personal Saviour. Give me the grace to live a life that would please you and that when you return, I would be taken to be forever with you.
Thank you for accepting me in Jesus’ Name.

You’ve just begun the race; make sure you remain in Christ so you will overcome (Rev. 3:5)

Still your brother and friend,
Ikpa Onwuka...

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