Wednesday, July 27, 2016



Let us study another person in relation to the ephod; Abiathar, the son of Ahimelech the slain priest.
Abiathar was able to escape as the slaughter of his father and other priests was in progress (1Sam. 22:20-23). But there was something remarkable about this young priest; while trying to escape for his life, he still had the audacity to search for and carry his ephod with him (1Sam. 23:6). He knew that he was a “dead man” without the presence and direction of the Lord, even if he was successfully escaping. I imagine Abiathar saying to himself “instead of me to escape without my ephod, let me rather die with it”. He searched for it while Dog (Doeg is his real name, but he should be a dog to willingly kill the anointed of the Lord. In fact even dogs reason better) was busy killing the priests and their families, and then he found it and fled.

Abiathar became relevant to the camp of David because he carried the ephod; the direct access to get answers from God. David was able to inquire of the Lord about the next thing to do, where next to go (1Sam.23:9-13). Precise direction was given to whoever carried the ephod.
Today, you and I are supposed to be carrying our ephods, if not we’re putting the world and everyone around us in danger (Matt. 5:13-16). The lives of so many would be in danger if we refuse to put on our ephod.

Our EPHOD today is the WORD OF GOD (OUR BIBLE)
It could be many other things as well relevant to the faith  like prayer etc.

Have you lost an understanding of its importance like King Saul? If so you’re in severe trouble and so are the brethren around you because you might end up slaying them just like King Saul did.
Also, if you’re still dining and wining with someone who has lost an understanding of the importance of the ephod, you’re putting your life in danger because they will slay you some day if not today. Tell them the truth and let them know their true state and repent!

On the other hand, do you go around with your ephod and obey the instructions given therein by the Lord, just like Abiathar? If yes, you would be a divine blessing to your generation because you would shine as light and lead the world to Jesus the Saviour!


See also EPHOD 1

I'm still your brother and friend, Ikpa Onwuka...
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