Friday, January 30, 2015


When in my life all odds compel
When my weary eyes close in tears
When I struggle and tear shreds
When within me I want to conquer

When I slowly move like an eel
When through and through upright stand my hairs
When my worry is so much I can't bear
When I am left in the dark to ponder

When in my spirit there's nothing to propel
When all I do is live in fear
When all oppress and there's no one to care
When I am in need of an answer

When all the joy in me expels
When I listen for good tidings with puckered ears
When I am pushed so far to the rear
Then what I really need is a word of prayer

Written by Adora Ahamefula.

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Thursday, January 29, 2015


“The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy; yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully.
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none”
- Ezekiel 22: 29-30

The above verses are usually referred to when talking about God’s search for intercessors. But as I read this again, I got a fresh understanding of God’s love for man. It is a truth that every word of God to man reflects his love in its entirety one way or the other. In the text above, the people had sinned against God and he had every right to wipe them out, he would be right if he destroyed them. It would be justice if he punished them severely for what they had done. The depth of their sins was very much. But instead, God went further to search for a man who would make up the hedge, who would serve as an ambassador and plead for them that he would not destroy them. Now notice that God did not search for this man from a different nation or people, he “sought for a man among them”.

Now you would also want to consider why God still had to search for someone in the midst of these ‘sinful’ people. He was not happy with them, but he still believed something good could come out of them. Even if at the end of the search he found none, he at least made an attempt to search for an iota of good among them. God doesn’t just leave us like that; he doesn’t give up on us for any reason. In fact we are the ones who give up on ourselves and on others, even while God still searches for the good in us.

How do we relate with others as Christians? How do you see that drunkard that lives at your back yard? What do you say of that prostitute down your street? Have you already marked them for hell? Have you started visualizing them burning in the lake of fire even when they are still on earth? 2Peter 3:9 says: “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”. If God can be longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, if he still searches for a good man in the midst of a perverse and corrupt nation, what stops us from doing the same?

No matter how dark the cloud is, there is always a beam of sunlight behind it. Search out that sunlight. Believe me there is good in every man. Before condemning any person, why not at least present a solution to such a person; Jesus is the way. Your criticism is not, your self-righteousness is not, and your track record is not. Let us learn to search out the image of God in every man and by doing this, we are at least moving forward in our mandate to be perfect just like our father; God.

Have a nice day!
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015


How do you feel when you receive a letter or a text from a good friend? I bet it feels lovely and cozy!
Without such communication links it would be difficult to maintain the friendship.
God himself saw the need and started planning towards sending me a text...all the courses of nature were added to this text! As time progressed, there was war against this writ even as there is today. But it has always prevailed because it was compiled by the Ancient of Days!

In this text he told me of his unquenchable love for me! Wow!!! What would make one send his only son to die for me to be free from condemnation!
I kept the text because I cherish it a lot.
When I went out, I discovered he sent the text to many people too, but just very few take it serious!

The Bible! The infallible Word! The Text!

Have a nice day!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Love Swap

God gave us people to love and things to use. Do not join the world in reversing this principle, using people and loving things.

Its an error of our generation the way people treat each other. Sometimes like animals. Not having any iota of compassion towards them. People rather give the lives of others than give up their material things. These things should not be so.
Let us correct the love swap and get back to the way God created us to be.
It is well!

What's your thought on this? Leave a comment!

Sunday, January 25, 2015


This world is really a deceitful one. Many do not care so much about who you are, what your mission or intention is, or even how you feel. All they want to do is castigate you, condemn you and do all sorts of evil against you (well, some people are good any way).

If they see you talking to someone who was known to be a thief, they conclude already; “You are a thief”. They care less whether you were preaching to him or if he gave his life to Christ at that encounter. They already mark you BAD. Because of this reason, many have resorted to becoming ‘men pleasers’ rather than pleasers of God. When they want to go out on evangelism or a likely function, they carry big bibles, so that they would not be condemned for entering a particular area known to be for ‘sinners’, they wear fine suits with bishop tags so all can see, and stop the castigation…Oh! What a stigma.

Meanwhile, the eyes of these critical criticizers hover around like a hunter’s range rover, looking for whom to kill with the bullets of their words. It’s a pity many of them don’t know the power of the tongue. No wonder James likens it to fire, that devours far and wide. They are so eager to talk evil about the ‘stranger’, not moving themselves with a finger, without even knowing that a word is enough to practically break the sixth of the Ten Commandments.

How awful; destructive criticizers, paralyzing the morale of the weak, 7 days a week, weakening the spirits of the saints, without being sent, conceiving mischief against the meek. What they seek, I know not.

But I tell you the truth; we must care less about these despisers of reality, whose mouths are open sepulchres. Their minds are filled with deceit.
“It’s not fair!” “It’s not fair!” But they move on to the next year, seeking for an ear to deposit these words of theirs that can wear the gears of the soul if it were a machine, loosen its hem if it were a cloth, create pot holes on its road if it were a car, pluck away 60 feathers if it were a bird. But we are none of these, so please STOP! the tease.
Let us encourage each other, for only then can we be relevant forever.

God Bless you.

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hi there! I'm still Ikpa Onwuka and just want to seize this opportunity to apologize for the very long silence... *wasn't intentional though*....Anyway, the blog is back and better. Expect the best!
And never forget that Jesus loves you so much, your toils and struggles would not make him change the way he loves you. His heart beat is that all be saved! It pains him whenever anyone whom he created chooses to die in sin, rather than accepting the gift of salvation made available through his Son Jesus!

I hope you reading this understands what I mean... Jesus with arms open wide is saying; "COME SON! COME DAUGHTER!"


One evening, I was spinning my keys around my finger. Then suddenly they slipped off, loosed from the key holder and falling off to differen...