Wednesday, August 28, 2019


(1Chronicles 13:9-12)
The word Perez-Uzza means The breach of Uzza. This place was named after the scary incidence of God slaying Uzza because he tried to stabilize the ark of God by putting forth his hand to hold it.
Many questions have sprung from this occurrence. Why did God slay Uzza? Should we just look when things go wrong in God's house? Is it a sin to be proactive? All these questions come if we don't get the big picture of what happened. It gets clearer if we go further to read 1Chronicles 15:11-14. This time they wanted to move the ark of God from the house of Obededom to the City of David. In order to prevent such occurrence of Uzza, they had to sanctify themselves. David mentioned in verse 13 that the reason the Lord made a breach upon them (that is upon Uzza) was be cause they were not sanctified and so they did not seek Him after the due order.
So beloved, we must sanctify ourselves if we would carry God's presence and glory.
Remember you are the light of the world.

Ikpa Onwuka

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