Tuesday, August 27, 2019


(2Kings 19:14-20)
King Hezekiah was king of Israel and had a good record of God. He was the king who not only walked in the ways of God, but also destroyed the high places, according to God's command.
Now the king of Assyria sent a threatening message to Hezekiah which prompted him to pray in this manner:
First Hezekiah acknowledged God for who He is. He made it clear to God that beyond reasonable doubt he (Hezekiah) knew that God is all sufficient  and powerful. He started by exhibiting his faith in God (Hebrews 11:6).
Secondly, he then called God's attention to the problem; Sennacherib's threat. Sennachrerib was the king of Assyria. He reminded God that it is a direct attack to His name and He would have to do something. Notice Hezekiah did not bring himself into the issue, he brought the problem to face God, knowing that any problem that faces God is finished.
Thirdly, (vs 17-18), he recognized the strength of the opposition. He did not just jump into conclusion and begin to make irrational statements against the king of Assyria, there was no need for that because he knew his God is able. In Jude 9, we see Michael rebuking the devil without any irrational statement or conclusion, he still recognized his power and antiques. But in verse 10 of Jude, we se some people who speak evil of what they don't even know about. Peter mentions that also in 2Peter 2:11-12. Don't ever be ignorant of the devices of the enemy (2Corinthians 2:11) or else, he'll take advantage of it. Hezekiah knew all Sennacherib was capable of.
Lastly (vs 19) a request was made, a strategic request "Save thou us out of his hand". Hezekiah did not just make a request and stop, he knew it was not all about 'us'. He continued "that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the Lord God, even only thou". Can you see that the purpose of his request was not just to serve himself, but that glory would come to the name of God. Of course God answered Hezekiah's prayer in grand style. The angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night. This is the mind blowing result that can be gotten when our request aims at returning glory to God.

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