Monday, June 1, 2015


Waking up early in the morning I take cognizance of my longing
It’s so strong and unquenchable that it leads me into singing
My hearts searches, my soul unlocks its latches
Ready to receive from the rivers of living water
Surprisingly I find out it’s not distant
I realise the waters flow from my inside
Where the ancient of days resides
Quiet Time

Still in this aura of glory I can’t but shout GLORY!
Because I notice the active presence of the King of Glory
Coming down from his magnificent throne
To transform my naughty heart of stone
And just one touch from him makes me whole
What an encounter to be told to my generations

It would definitely lead to their regeneration

Little wonder the great Psalmist says:
My soul thirsts for God; the living God
Oh! When shall I come and appear before God
At this time my spirit is lifted
My soul is highlighted
By the Spirit of the most high!
So much that I'm convinced I'm getting Spirit High!
This is my Quiet Time
A time I set aside deliberately
For me and my God to deliberate!!!

Hope you had yours today?
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