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Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
we must know that there are two kinds of people in this world:
(who are blessed as in the beatitudes-Matt 5:3-13. They are people who realize
their spiritual helplessness, show sorrow over sin, and who are meek and hungry
for God’s righteousness) and
Unbelievers (who are proud, self-sufficient,
and do not understand their own unrighteousness before a Holy God). The
Believer influences the Unbeliever by what He is, not by what He has. Let us look at some vital points to this effect:
did not say, “Ye have the salt and light to give the world”, but rather “Ye are
the salt…ye are the light”. The believer’s presence in the world acts as salt
and light, preventing corruption and exposing error. Do you know it is the presence of the believers on earth that is preserving the earth? Immediately the rapture takes place, the earth will face a tribulation no one has ever thought could exist. If we refuse to be who we are, then we're causing stagnancy in the church.
2:9- We are a peculiar people who the unbelievers will observe. We are to show
forth the praises of God to whom? The world and all that dwell therein. Have you been acting and being peculiar as you're called to be? If you don't shine the light, how do you expect all to see and glorify God? When persons glorify God, they're one step closer to the Church. (When I say church, I mean the body of Christ; the commonwealth of believers).
*Seeing the believers' contentment despite poverty and
physical suffering, the unbelievers are amazed (2 Cor 6:10). It may even cause them to see their own lack of spiritual
security in spite of worldly goods (Rev 3:17).
*The Believer Must Interact with This World of Corruption and
Darkness in Order to Act as Salt and Light, then will the world see, be
converted and glorify God, then join the church. Don’t hide in your comfort
zone. Come out and evangelize. Come out and be the light God has made you to be. Do not loose your essence in that hiding place of yours!
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