Thursday, February 16, 2017


Many people’s love stories are like that of Abraham and Sarah’s, some others are like Isaac and Rebecca’s. There are however others whose stories are like Jacob and Rachael’s. Know where your story falls in and don’t act ignorantly; do what you’ve got to do at the right time, not just any time. If you’re to wait like Jacob, then wait; if you’re to walk to the field and meditate like Isaac, do it. Be sensitive to the tides of the Spirit!
It is COMMITMENT that can make a man to wait even longer than fourteen years for his Rachael. Not just “love” alone, but love with commitment. This is what will keep him faithful to her “till death do us part”
If a man is not committed to God, trust me he can’t be committed to his wife.
How far can you go to get what you want?
How long can you wait when you get to the bridge of patience in you pursuit for that which you want?
A time comes when your speed has to be one word per week, but also at the right time it accelerates to a steady speed of three words per three minutes. It all dwells on diligence, faithfulness and commitment.
We’re in mid February; love is in the air right? I admonish everyone to be circumspect, knowing what exactly the will of God is, for the days are evil.

Ikpa Onwuka

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