Monday, December 26, 2016


Jasper was a medical student too, a sophomore just like Susan his 'girlfriend'. He was studying for his test which was scheduled to hold the next morning when he heard Susan had blacked out at the clinic. He made haste to the clinic. She was revived by the time he got there. He moved closer and sat with her on the sofa
"Hey Suzy! What happened? Are you alright?" He asked troubled
"I'm fine" she replied with tears rolling down her pretty eyes.
"Suzy, if I didn't know better, I'd say you're troubled. Tell me about it dear" He pressured her.
After a long rest, he took her to a fast food outlet close by. Jasper tried to cheer her up and make her feel relaxed, but wasnt successful.
Susan finally dropped the missile...
"Jasper, I'm pregnant!"
His smile gradually faded with confusion surfacing. His ears became as though they were mystically sensing sounds of war planes and fighter Jets behind his head. His appettite disappeared abruptly, his whole body became numb
"Jasper, I said I'm pregnant" Susan repeated with a hysterical tone
"I heard you Susan, I'm just confused. I don't know what to do" He replied.
Jasper's heart began to skip beats. But this time it was real, not like that which he told Susan when he was making attempts to win her heart. Now he had won more than he could carry. Of course abortion was not an option. Jasper was a responsible boy who would not think of that and Susan was also from a good background. Though they threw away all their discipline and chastity just to satisfy the lust of the flesh they had stirred by beginning such relationship when they were not even close to being ready.
Life started becoming clearer with time to them. The love mates had been 'checkmated' by life itself and had no option but to let their parents know about the pregnancy. Their future would be decided hence... But they did it ONLY ONCE!

Ikpa Onwuka

Don't miss Episode 3
Pls click to read Episode 1

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