Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I was at a client's office on Monday, waiting to meet with them when my mind wandered through many past occurrences and rested a little on the day Daddy G.O.; The General Overseer of RCCG came to dedicate our provincial youth headquarters; City Of David Mega Parish (Ogun Province 8). Then I thought, what if I were opportune to stand and walk with him on that day, I would just confess to him and say “Daddy, I’m so glad and privileged to be by your side, you can’t imagine how long I wished and waited for this!”…As I was fantasizing on this, the Holy Spirit immediately interfered, giving me the answer Daddy G.O. would possibly reply me with if I told him…. “You should not be happy you’re standing by me if you have not achieved standing by God and walking with the Holy Spirit in obedience”. And this put me back on track as I was reminded of the fact that I should seek to walk closely with God and Himself would lift me up from where I am and he will make me walk upon my high places.

Talking about “Walking upon my High Places”, it just reminds me to invite you all to our revival services beginning this Thursday 11th through Sunday 14th February 2016 (5:30pm daily and 8am on Sunday)…It's tagged “Walking upon my High Places” @ RCCG youth Church, Akeusola street, Kwara quarters, Ibafo, Ogun state…. It'll be a great privilege to meet you there...

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