Saturday, October 20, 2012

Daiby's Sister...

Down by the stream,
Daiby calls me screaming.

 She says she's lost her sister,
 Hearing this makes me bitter.

Each time I saw her, she'll glitter,
Much more than the moon of silver.

Her beauty was beyond measure,
But now, it is forever a hidden treasure.

All thanks to God, she surrendered to Christ,
I know she'll be with him by right.

Daiby sits all day devastated,
I wish I could do much to get her grievance mitigated.

Oh! when death gets you under,
You might have to surrender.

For it to take you yonder,
Where between future and present you'll wander.

 If life could be reset, she'll have another opportunity,
To cause a positive change in her community.

 I sympathize with you Daiby,
 And say: rest in peace, soul of my young lady.

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