Monday, June 27, 2016


Have you ever wondered what Jesus meant each time he said "I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE FIRST AND THE LAST"?

Well, I think he meant exactly what he said!
He is the first and He is the last...He lives forever! He has overcome! Hallelujah!

We speak, we sing, we recite, we chant and we even write about this.
But very few bring this belief into action.

How do you begin everything you do?
How do you begin your day?
Do you just wake up, ramble some words to a God you think is having a recorder waiting to record the ramblings? Then jump out and off you go, facing your daily business.

Or do you spend sometime first to thank God who gave you life to see another day, fellowship with him, before you begin any other thing?

Friends, if we will know God better, we've got to begin our day spending quality time with him.
You cannot recognize the voice of a dear friend if you don't spend time relating with him/her.

Jesus is the first- So begin with him
Jesus is the last- So conclude with him

Don't leave him out of anything you do.
If you've been doing this faithfully, I'm sure you have a testimony.
If you've not been having a good time of fellowship with Jesus...Men! You're missing a whole lot!

Begin every day with a "Quiet Time" with Jesus!

Leave a comment as always! 
Still your friend and brother.... Ikpa..

Friday, June 17, 2016


Do Something!!!
In life, everyone has somewhere to go at every point in time.

We all have something specific to accomplish within a specific time limit.

But the question remains; "What impact are we making in our immediate environment?"

"Are we living as the 'salt' and 'light' which we are to this world? Or have we lost our savor?"

As Christians, we've been given a mandate to dominate the earth. We need to bring God's kingdom here on earth. His kingdom will not come if we remain inactive about our faith.

We can't get that fellow over to the fold of Christ if we don't tell him/her anything about Jesus.
It would be more difficult if our lifestyles do not show forth Jesus!
We could spend time discussing about our interests and careers, but let us also round it up with the fact that Jesus Saves! and is coming soon to take us home!

All we are, and all we would be, we owe to the one who saved us from sin with his own blood shed on the cross.
The earlier we grasp the true value and essence of the cross, the better for us. Because if we do not understand what happened at the cross, we might not appreciate the power that lies therin.

A truth remains: "NO CROSS, NO POWER"
Get out of that comfort zone of living your life as you like and Tell someone about Jesus! Live like Jesus! Even if it would cost you whatever. Don't be shy of Jesus, cause you wouldn't like it if He told you He were shy of you when you call on him in times of need.

This is the essence of our living....Jesus Saves!
This is our message......... Jesus Saves!
This is our hope........Jesus Comes Soon!


Do well to leave a comment...and feel free to share.
Still your friend and brother...Ikpa.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


 I discovered once again from two verses in the book of John Chapter 13 how subtle the devil could really be. He did not enter into Judas Iscariot all at one time; he did it subtly, with the character of a coward.

Verse 2- “And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him;”

Note that the devil just put it in Judas’ heart. He started it with wishful thinking; thoughts of fantasy. I imagine Judas thinking cunningly how he would sell Jesus out, then at a time Jesus would perform his miracle and escape as usual, and then he would have made profit. These thoughts were going on in the heart of Judas. He did not cast them down; he did not reject them immediately. Rather he enjoyed and embraced them.

Verse 27- “And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, that thou doest, do quickly”

Having seen Judas’ interest in the plot, the devil entered him fully to carry out the plan.
This is an indication of how the devil operates. He starts with tempting thoughts; he suggests various options to us in our minds. It is left for us to choose; either to dwell on such thoughts or to cast them down (2Cor. 10:5). We need to guard our hearts always with all diligence, for out of it comes the issues of life.
So when next you’re thinking of that evil, that thing which you know does not please God (Phil.4:8); whether it feels good or not, know he’s come around and you’ve got to CAST HIM OUT!
The gap between when he brings suggestions and when he finally enters to strike could even be years… So don’t take chances.



One evening, I was spinning my keys around my finger. Then suddenly they slipped off, loosed from the key holder and falling off to differen...